Metro Richmond
For 5 years, I managed programs and communications for the region's premier leadership development organization.
Directing, creating, and editing a new publication for the organization was a career highlight. Funds that were previously spent on the printing of an annual alumni directory were instead put into a new magazine that could be shared with not just program graduates, but also grant-making foundations, donors, partners, and future program participants. The directory was moved to an online format allowing for continuous updates that alumni could easily access.
Spotlights current community leaders
Doubles as the organization's annual report
Provides additional revenue through ad sales
Brings attention to important local issues
Gives actionable ways anyone can affect positive community change
LMR Magazine
Keynotes --> Conversations
Keeping annual fundraising events fresh and exciting is a struggle for any organization. Leadership Metro Richmond hosts an annual spring luncheon which serves as its largest alumni networking event and one of its largest fundraisers of the year. Instead of building this event around a keynote speech from one individual, we used that time to have engaging dialogue both on the stage between local leaders AND off the stage amongst attendees at their tables. We engaged attendees in conversations around courageous topics such as the partisan divide and current challenges with our region. We wanted less time spent listening and more time reconnecting and engaging in solution-making.
The Power of Words
While the majority of my role as Director of Programs involved bringing in expert facilitators from outside the organization, I was given the chance to design and implement a session of my own around inclusive language. I titled this session "The Power of Words." It was a series of small group exercises followed by large group debriefs that allowed for honest dialogue between program participants about the words they find to be exclusionary, offensive, and/or triggering. I was given three different opportunities to facilitate this session and walked away with new learnings myself every time. New audiences gave way to new eye-opening discussions.
I had the most fun designing alumni events to keep our leaders informed and up to date on the latest and greatest things happening in our community.
First looks at new museum renovations
Pictured: American Civil War Museum
Exposure for other local nonprofits
Pictured: Combined bus tour with Communities in Schools of Richmond & Chesterfield
Early access to new businesses
Pictured: Outing to Drive Shack
Hard hat tours of new construction
Pictured: Tour of the new shed at
Main Street Station
New ways to experience history
Pictured: Walking tour of the Richmond Slave Trail
Leadership Metro Richmond has been a long-time partner of The Valentine in presenting Richmond History Makers. It has been my honor to sit on the selection committee for the awards starting in 2020.
Creating Quality Educational Opportunities
Demonstrating Innovative Economic Solutions
Provides additional revenue through ad sales
Improving Regional Transportation
Championing Social Justice
Promoting Community Health
Advancing Our Quality of Life